Monday, October 7, 2019

What is Phase Modulation?

What is Phase Modulation?

Phase modulation is described by the following equation:

Phase modulated signal:    Xpm(t) = Ac *cos[2pi fc +m(t)]
Where m(t) is the modulating signal. Kp is the modulating index. When digital information is presented as fixed discrete phase offsets of the modulating signal such as 0, pi/4, 3pi/4, … the phase modulation is referred to as phase shift keying and is a form of digital modulation. When the modulating signal is continuous signal it is a Xpm(t) is a form of linear modulation. For example if the modulating signal is :

Modulating signal:  m(t) = kp  sin⁡[2 pi Fpm  t + x(t)]

The modulating signal is referred to as a side band where m(t) is itself a modulated signal, where Fpm  is the sideband.

In the figure the carrier Fc is phase modulated with m(t) with x(t) set to zero. The modulating signal is a sine function. Since kp is equal to pi/2 when the sine() is equal to ‘1’ the phase is advanced by 90 degrees, when sine() is equal to ‘-1’ the phase is retarded by 90 degrees.

Figure 2 Time Domain Plot of Phase Modulated Signal

Figure 2 shows a phase modulated signal where
  •          kp is pi/2 radians
  •          m(t)  = kp * sin(2pi * Fpm * t),  x(t) = 0
  •          Fc = 1MHz
  •          Fpm = 100KHz
Note how the modulated signal advances by 90deg when high and retards by 90 when low.

Taking a 2^16 bin FFT of the real valued equation gives us positive and negative frequency components. The spectrum of the modulated signal shows frequency carrier, Fc, peaks at +/-1MHz and side band peaks at multiple 100KHz away from Fc. Now that we have an understanding of the Linear Phase Modulated signal, how do we get our information out of it?

Figure 3 Frequency Domain Plot (65K point FFT) of real valued Phase Modulated Signal

Demodulating Linear PM signals

There are multiple methods of extracting the modulating signal from a PM source. We will show one method using Hilbert transforms and Arctangent calculation with complex math demodulation algorithm. To get the negative frequency components of the complex valued waveform we remove the negative image by preforming a Hilbert transform on the modulated waveform. Once the complex valued waveform is obtained a frequency rotation or down conversion is performed. A 3-dimensional plot shows the variation in time (z-axis) of the PM signal with respect to the carrier. Both signals rotate around the IQ diagram at a rate of 1MHz. 

The carrier signal is used as our reference, the modulated signal when compared to carrier we notice a difference in time, this is our phase difference. The modulated signal is either advanced or retarded for positive or negative phase modulating values.  

Figure 4 Time Domain 3d Plot of PM signal and Carrier

We can remove the carrier by translating the modulated signal to zero IF frequency. Doing this stops the carrier and modulation waveforms from rotating on the IQ diagram. Fc is a DC component and equal to zero. Since Fc is now zero after translation to zero frequency the 3d plot would look like this:

Figure 5 Modulating Signal m(t) translation to zero frequency (DC)

At this point the signal can be recovered by performing an arctangent the inphase and quadrature components. 

m(t) = arctan( (I/Q) * t )

Note: the signal recovered below contains a slight phase offset with respect to the original signal.

Figure 6 Arctan of I/Q signal (Kp=pi/2)